Hi, I'm Mo!

I am a full stack web developer & graphic designer based in Los Angeles. I have a passion for creative technology, animation, music, pastries, and dogs.

>>> Languages:

Python | TypeScript | JavaScript | HTML | CSS

>>> Libraries/Frameworks:

React | Django | Flask | Express
Bootstrap | Material UI | SaSS | jQuery | three.js


A RESTful job listing app made with React and Express.


A RESTful Twitter clone made with Flask & Jinja.

My Experience Resume

I am a full stack software developer with a background in Graphic Design, Early Childhood Education, Food Production, and Operations/Logistics. I began my web development career on the front-end with static sites for local businesses & artists, and now I write command line programs, server-side code, and code for dynamic websites!

Agile Development

I practice Test Driven Development and Agile Development to write well-tested, well-documented, and readable code.

Graphic Design

I strive for intuitive, engaging & memorable design when working on a project, and believe that experience-based design is invaluable to users.

My Creative Portfolio

Project Management

Both as a leader and a contributor, I have brought company sustainability efforts, community programs, and creative projects to life!

E-Commerce/Digital Marketing

I have 5+ years of experience with web technologies & software for small businesses, and have helped local businesses establish visibility online.

Let's get in touch!

Email: mo.enokida@gmail.com